viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

What in bloody hell do you want?

© Ilkhi, 2010

Extracto de una entrevista a Sid Vicious, en la cual el entrevistador le pide su opinión sobre la película basada en los Sex Pistols que pretendía rodar el director de cine Russ Meyer (conocido como el Fellini de la industria del sexo), aunque no lo consiguió, fue titulada "Who killed Bambi", en 1977.

Q: I wanted to ask you what you felt about the Russ Meyer film.

Sid Vicious: All I can say about it is that it has a very weak script as far as I'm concerned. [...] But the film, the thing I'm unhappy about in the film is that Russ Meyer said to me that he wanted to make a film that would be good for the box office and that people would be interested in and would want to come and see and would make a lot of money.
And like I said to him: Well, like what about making something that you're genuinely interested in, that really like means something to you? And he seemed a little puzzled by that.

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